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Reading Suggestions from Bruce Little and Joshua Klein

Bruce Little:

Technopoly . . . Neil Postman

Masters or Slaves? . . . Jeremy Peckham

Unintended Dystopia . . . Russ White

The Glass Cage . . . Nicholas Carr

Antisocial Media . . . Siva Vaidhyanathan

Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now . . . Jaron Lanier

Amazing Ourselves to Death . . . Lance Strate

Reclaiming Conversation . . . Sherry Turkle

Joshua Klein:

Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life . . . Albert Borgmann

Modern Technology and the Human Future . . . Craig M. Gay

A Handmade Life: In Search of Simplicity . . . Wm. S. Coperthwaite

Shop Class as Soulcraft . . . Matthew B. Crawford